This README applies to version 1.0 only output of "fsindex -md5 >EXAMPLE" --------------------------------- drwxr-xr-x 2 363 215 20040401 18:43:32 . 0 -rw-r--r-- 1 363 215 20000806 14:14:34 ./fsindex-1.0-1.i386.rpm 8cd477fc60231b1e802185adb2f4809b -rw-r--r-- 1 363 215 20000806 14:14:34 ./fsindex-1.0-1.src.rpm 388b81251beab57d188aa7754a3964d5 -rw-r--r-- 1 363 215 20000806 14:14:08 ./fsindex-1.0.tar.gz c33463a84b50ef69af547534bbb10704 -rw-r--r-- 1 363 215 20040401 18:43:38 ./EXAMPLE d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e Explanation ----------- This program prints an index of all filesystem objects. The output is intended for tracking changes in the file system and for searching potential security holes. The output format consists of one line per file system object. Every line contains 7 fields. The tab character is used as field separator. For every field an embedded tab is replaced by \t, linefeed by \n and backslashes are doubled. Field contents 0 mode of object (ls -l style: drwxr-xr-x). 1 link count 2 user id 3 group id 4 modified time. The epoch when not a directory or regular file. 5 pathname, relative to directory argument. 6 MD5 sum for plain files, symlink contents for symlinks, rdev for device inodes, otherwise 0 output of "fsindex --help" -------------------------- Usage: fsindex [options...] dir... [options...] Options are: -md5 generate MD5 checksum for regular files -xdev do not traverse mount points -exclude arg Exclude the pathname argument from the traversal. -depth descend directory before handling directory itself -localtime use the local time zone instead of UTC -insecure find potential security problems in the file system: set[gu]id programs and writable objects -name print names of user/group id instead of their number directory arguments and pathnames to be excluded should either be both relative to the current working directory or both rooted.